The continuation of learning in ecommerce

The continuation of learning in ecommerce

Let’s start with the frustrating discovery. Both Paypal and Shopify take a cut on any payments I receive, so the $1-2 per order eats into the tiny amount of profit I am making.

I hadn’t realised these charges were there so when i discovered them tonight I had to update my P&L spreadsheet, which is somewhat depressing. 

In positive news, I made 2 sales this week!! My friends are still supporting me and this venture in ways I was not expecting, This makes me extremely grateful. 

So total sale = 9, profit for May is currently -$16.19 and a total year to date profit -$34.88.  

Things to consider was canva charged again for the month of $19.99 and Shopify will charge in the next couple of days @ $54 I think. These numbers just remove any wins in this endeavour. 

Part of the reason the profits are hard to increase on, is because I have free shipping, and the way PoD demand works you get cheaper shipper on the second item of the same type. In order to keep the costs down with an embedded shipping cost, I can’t charge the full amount or it really jumps the price up for the less expensive items.  I hope people (for example) people will buy 2 tshirts or 4 stickers as the additional items cost less to add in.

Anyway, learning experiences again this week and time to make some more stickers since canva charged me again!  I need to get some more designs in the backlog. 

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